Sunday, July 1, 2012

keeping my word.

look!  i'm here again and it isn't july 1, 2013.  i'm proud of myself!



we have so many things planned for this month that it kind of makes my head spin.  this weekend had been perfect preparation for that since we had no plans at all.  i was able to get a lot of cleaning, organizing, planning, and resting done. aside from going out for dinner with my dad and brother last night and taking a quick trip to walmart, the boys and i haven't had to leave the house at all.

mondays are especially hectic, but fun!  the boys have art class bright and early, then we go to the library for story and craft time. then we come home for a little bit to have lunch and the boys get changed for karate.  then we go to karate and another library for a differnt story and craft time. 

i won't bore you with the other days' activities, i will just say that there are a lot of other library events, karate classes, and park happenings sprinkled in it.

here are the things that I am most looking forward to:

-seeing the amazing spiderman.  it comes out tuesday but we probably won't have a chance to see it until saturday. spiderman is my favorite superhero (kind of weird that i have a favorite, but i think it's required when you're the mom of two young boys.) and i've been forward to it for several months!

-independence day.  this will be our third year going to our town's parade and we can't wait.  the boys have so much fun looking at the floats, and of course getting candy and other goodies from the people in them.  after the parade we will probably go to my grandparent's house to visit with family which is always a good time!

-july 15.  this date probably is not significant to you, but it's been a date i've been anticipating for the past few months.  not only does breaking bad (best show ever!) begin it's final season, but i will get to see my favorite favorite favorite singer fiona apple!!  i've seen her once before about 6 years ago and it was amazing.  like, top ten days of my life amazing. ah! sorry, just thinking about it makes me a little crazy.  before my husband and i head out to indianapolis for the show, we will be attending a family reunion with people who i have not seen in years.  it's... just going to be a good day.

- dilon's birthday.  my oldest son will turn 8 on july 23.  i say this every year, with every age, but i cannot believe he will be EIGHT YEARS OLD. then his party will be the weekend following his actual birthday.

-vacation!  we will be taking a little trip either late late this month or early august to visit matt's mom and stepdad in virginia.  it will be so great to spend time with them and dilon and nolan can not wait to see them and their two dogs, who they call their aunts. we will also be going to virginia beach!  i have not been to a real, ocean beach since dilon was one!  so it will be nolan's first time and dilon's first time that he will remember. 

a few other things i'm excited for this month are: big brother starting a new season (i know, so embarrassing.), school clothes and supplies shopping, king's island and museum trips, seeing fireworks and going to the county fair with best friends, and spending quality time with my little family once my husband is done with summer classes in a couple weeks.

thanks for reading!

p.s. don't be alarmed if my bog looks different every time you visit my page.  i am just getting to know blogger and playing around with everything : ) !

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