Friday, July 1, 2011

oh my... it's july!

does anybody else feel like it's wayyy too early to be july?  today i feel like i've been slapped in the face with reality that this wonderful summer isn't going to last long.  i know, i know, we still have the full month of july and half of august before school starts again... but still!  i need to stop making excuses and get out and enjoy the outdoors. 

tonight had been pretty uneventful after a week filled with fun! let's go back about a week...

saturday- we went with my mom to my grandma's house to spend the night.  had yummy chinese food! matt worked all weekend so it was nice to be with family and not stuck at home.
sunday- more fun with my mom, grandma, and grandpa.  lot's of junk food and card games!
monday- went to see super 8.  such a cute movie!  nolan fell asleep, as usual. also went to karate.
tuesday- i had my first eye doctor appointment.  and... i need glasses!  what's with the exclamation mark, you may ask?  well, i have been wanting glasses forever.  embarrassing, i know, but i've always thought glasses were adorable!  i can't wait to get them!  we headed straight to karate afterwards, then to celebrate my mom's birthday party at cheddar's.  afterwards we headed to my bestie's house for our first ever family sleepover!  it was way too much fun.  we grilled out (turkey burgers for them, veggie burgers for us, asparagus for everyone), played scrabble( i won for once), listened to music, had late night snacks (hummus, brownies, and cookies), and chatted!  our kiddos of course had a blast too!  they played, ate s'mores, watched superhero squad, and fell asleep on the floor with their pillow pets. 
wednesday-  the boys and i went to king's island with my mom. we had a great time!
thursday- we went to family video, then picked up some cute items i won from an auction. matt was off last night so we then went to my nephew's baseball game, then to my brother's house for an impromptu ice cream party! 
so that bring us to today  we went to lazer kraze to pay for dilon's birthday party that we will be having there in a few weeks, then to the library.  matt went to work so the boys and i watched a movie and ate cookies. the rest of the evening was spent being lazy around the house and catching up on laundry.

whew. this post was much longer than i meant it to be. goodnight!

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